
Self Worth

  Your self worth isn’t something that other people give you or limit you to. Its something that you achieve by competing with yourself in an extraordinary way. You build it yourself and you keep adding layers to it. You don’t harm yourself, you nurture yourself. You upgrade yourself. You make sure that you don’t give anyone the power to treat you like trash or make you feel bad about yourself.   You assure yourself that you are enough and you don’t need someone or something to provide you with happiness as a drug. You treat yourself the way you want someone to treat you. You love yourself the way nobody ever has or ever can and at the end of the day, you realize that your worth is more than it was yesterday.

Those Feelings

  Feelings always mess things up!’, is a line used by every other individual nowadays. In this fake world filled with fake personalities, it is actually very rare to find a place where true feelings are nurtured. Although each and every feeling being expressed is just another chemical released, they’re the ones who take us on wild rides atleast a million times in a lifetime. From happiness to sadness, moodswings to bumpings, and basically every other feeling. Every feeling felt, every emotion expressed is biological. Yet, one learns a huge number of lessons through these simple chemical reactions. If said,”why not just dispose these chemicals?”- then that’d be actually pointless since there’d be no motive left. No emotion felt. Just a plain, numb life with no chemical excitement. From the usual- or may I say, sensible point of view, its the quality that matters, not the quantity. No feeling can be expressed by using measurements for as someone once said: Love isn’t ‘how much’ but it ra


  Just take a moment out of your busy life and observe yourself. Observe everything that has already surrounded you. Observe what situation you’ve got yourself into. Are you who you want to be? Or are you simply someone the society wants you to be? The one who casually holds a degree, assuming its a symbol of his quality? The one who is just a reflection of the stereotypical expectations of others? Think about it, is that even you? You do not owe anyone your life. You do not have to limit yourself by having the fear of people judging you. Honestly, most of the humans do a pretty great job at that. But that, when thought of, doesn’t really matter at all. What actually matters is if you’re ready to speak up for yourself and break the bounds that the society has got to offer you. It actually doesn’t matter what others think but what matters is what you think. People are more than glad to throw shade at you but only a handful of ears are there to hear you. Do not limit yourself to the ga

The Mysterious Beauty

(23 MAY 2020)   Beauty. What exactly is beauty? The one that lies in the eyes of the beholder? The one that is seen after applying tons of makeup? The one which is seen on the face of a just woken up child? The one that the rich possess? Or the one that is seen in an innocent, petite kid? Beauty is not about how pretty someone looks or how beautiful someone's face is. If seen practically, we're all just humans who were created by humans so is having a pretty face in our control? They say, every human is beautiful so why do they keep comparing? Why is the other side always desired for? Why is there always a feeling of being less pretty? Beauty is of the true self which lies behind all of the fake masks. The beauty of the true self is something that beauty products can never provide. That, my friend, is beauty.

The Precious Second Chance

(23 MAY 2020)   Sometimes, giving people too much gives them the chance to take away many pieces of yourself from you. Unknowingly you give them rights, which they might not deserve and you might not want to give. Yet, you're at times left with no other choice than to agree with regrets in your mind. Sharing too much means giving too much. Well, all people aren't worthy of getting too much from you. I say, once a backstabber, always a backstabber. Not everyone deserves a second chance since it is way too precious. One can change the situation but one can never change a person. He has to do it for himself but not everyone can do so because the core mentality of the person is nearly impossible to change. 'Be the best version of you'. How can one be the best version of himself if he doesn't even know what his better version is?

Just a Dream

(21 MAY 2020)   Yes, I was, a random dreamer Filled with dreams, making life better So lost in my dream world, Got confused which was the real one   Preferred to live in the better one For all I knew, it was the real one Not knowing how many lessons I missed Yes, dreaming is a messed up thing   Dreaming the undreamt Building the unbuilt Realizing, dreams are a far better place to live in So why not create real dreams?   How many dreams I dreamt, How many castles I built, At the end, all I was left with, Were in the air castles built. At the end, it was just a dream.

The Rare Emotion

(19 May 2020) Does it ever break your heart, knowing how much a person does for the other, while expecting absolutely nothing in return? Do you ever realize how much pain the other one is going through without even allowing anyone to notice and  putting on a simple smile which conveniently hides all the tears?  I sometimes really wonder, why some people dedicate their entire heart and soul in trying to fix things even when the eff orts are never acknowledged or  taken into consideration.  Is that what it is called as a true heart? Or is it lack of self worth?   I am a person who is rarely emotional but my  heart, which happens to be just a pumping machine, gets shattered into  atleast  a million pieces when it realizes that whateve r it is that it has been struggling  for, is just not worth it. How much someone is actually going through is never noticed and can't be imagined.  T he fact that  how many terrific  hurdles he has passed or is passing  through currently is never

The Writer’s Piece

(5 MAY 2020) Not every piece of writing is related to the writer. A writer is he who without experiencing things for himself, can learn so much from the experiences of others. He who can feel the other person's skin on himself, is the one who can truly feel what the other one is going through. Only then can he imagine himself in the other person's shoes and understand things better.  He who aspires to get to know both sides of the story is he who can view any scenario practically. This tends to be a very crucial fact in the art of writing. Stating the truth tends to be a lie unless it states both sides of the truth since even the truth can vary. Along with the strengths, a writer should be aware of the flaws too. Writing based on only one of the qualities would be of less interest and amazement since a life without regret s is a life not lived .

The Night's lonely Star

(1 MAY 2020) Nights, those beautiful ones. Where the unique taste of silence makes sure not to leave you alone. Where the world feels like your own. Those devils, those angels, all seem so innocent for once. With every little character asleep, playing its role like a normal sheep. Those times when the world is filled with silence. Eyes with observation and mind with imagination. When your view expands like the ever expanding universe. Where every little star seems to have its own tale. Those are the nights that make me feel alive. Those nights are the ones when I feel the need to be alive.

Shitty Society

( 1 MAY 2020) Oh,  this society. This  shitty society. Where everyone wants to be some kind of queen-bee. Where people are afraid to show their real selves, knowing that if they do, not sure who'd stick around. In this society where we are the ones we hate and we turn into the ones we bitch about . Where nothing  exists, apart from hatred. Where everyone seems fake. Where even the close ones start losing trust. Where they think about no one but themselves. Where popularity is  the main jewel. Where they think  that dragging someone down will he lp themselves rise up. O h yeah, this shitty society.