
Showing posts from September, 2020

Self Worth

  Your self worth isn’t something that other people give you or limit you to. Its something that you achieve by competing with yourself in an extraordinary way. You build it yourself and you keep adding layers to it. You don’t harm yourself, you nurture yourself. You upgrade yourself. You make sure that you don’t give anyone the power to treat you like trash or make you feel bad about yourself.   You assure yourself that you are enough and you don’t need someone or something to provide you with happiness as a drug. You treat yourself the way you want someone to treat you. You love yourself the way nobody ever has or ever can and at the end of the day, you realize that your worth is more than it was yesterday.

Those Feelings

  Feelings always mess things up!’, is a line used by every other individual nowadays. In this fake world filled with fake personalities, it is actually very rare to find a place where true feelings are nurtured. Although each and every feeling being expressed is just another chemical released, they’re the ones who take us on wild rides atleast a million times in a lifetime. From happiness to sadness, moodswings to bumpings, and basically every other feeling. Every feeling felt, every emotion expressed is biological. Yet, one learns a huge number of lessons through these simple chemical reactions. If said,”why not just dispose these chemicals?”- then that’d be actually pointless since there’d be no motive left. No emotion felt. Just a plain, numb life with no chemical excitement. From the usual- or may I say, sensible point of view, its the quality that matters, not the quantity. No feeling can be expressed by using measurements for as someone once said: Love isn’t ‘how much’ but it ra


  Just take a moment out of your busy life and observe yourself. Observe everything that has already surrounded you. Observe what situation you’ve got yourself into. Are you who you want to be? Or are you simply someone the society wants you to be? The one who casually holds a degree, assuming its a symbol of his quality? The one who is just a reflection of the stereotypical expectations of others? Think about it, is that even you? You do not owe anyone your life. You do not have to limit yourself by having the fear of people judging you. Honestly, most of the humans do a pretty great job at that. But that, when thought of, doesn’t really matter at all. What actually matters is if you’re ready to speak up for yourself and break the bounds that the society has got to offer you. It actually doesn’t matter what others think but what matters is what you think. People are more than glad to throw shade at you but only a handful of ears are there to hear you. Do not limit yourself to the ga

The Mysterious Beauty

(23 MAY 2020)   Beauty. What exactly is beauty? The one that lies in the eyes of the beholder? The one that is seen after applying tons of makeup? The one which is seen on the face of a just woken up child? The one that the rich possess? Or the one that is seen in an innocent, petite kid? Beauty is not about how pretty someone looks or how beautiful someone's face is. If seen practically, we're all just humans who were created by humans so is having a pretty face in our control? They say, every human is beautiful so why do they keep comparing? Why is the other side always desired for? Why is there always a feeling of being less pretty? Beauty is of the true self which lies behind all of the fake masks. The beauty of the true self is something that beauty products can never provide. That, my friend, is beauty.